5 Reasons to visit Croatia During the Spring

Mar 15, 2019

Any time of year is a great time to visit Croatia but we have to admit to being partial to the spring. Spring symbolizes new life and the renewal of nature. It symbolizes new beginnings so in that it is unique. And although spring is still several weeks away, we would like to suggest that you book your luxury adventure travel now so that you can take advantage of the season that is so full of promise. To help you make that decision, we present the top five reasons we feel the upcoming season is an especially ideal time to visit Croatia.

  • Spring Weather: Nature wakes up and flourishes in spring creating breathtakingly beautiful flora. The result is a palette of colors that are a visual treat and a bouquet of aromas that are simply intoxicating. Early spring, for example, is the optimal time to visit Plitvice Lakes National Park. During the spring the ice and snow begin to melt and the vegetation begins to return to this pristine national park. Additionally, during this time the crowds are generally smaller than in the summer.
  • Dubrovnik quiets down: One of the most popular tourist destinations in Croatia is Dubrovnik due to all the things there are to do and sights there are to see there. This makes it somewhat crowded during most times of the year. However, during the spring this beautiful town settles down and visitors can quietly explore its streets without the hustle and bustle of the crowds.
  • Spring break on Zrce Beach: If you are someone who does not shy away from crowds and loves to party then fear not. There is a four day, four-night celebration hosted at Zrce beach on the island of Pag. It features International DJs, boat parties and all kinds of festive activities. You can release the inner party animal in you during this period of fun and merriment.
  • The Coastal Scenery: During the spring the Adriatic coast is lined with vineyards, villages, and alluring coves and beaches. It is truly a sight to behold in spring as the season breathes new life into the area. Plus, you can avoid the crowds that can sometimes make it a challenge to truly appreciate the surrounding beauty.
  • The Oyster festival in Ston: Oysters reach the peak of perfection in March. Thus, every year a tourist board of Ston, winemakers from Peljesac peninsula and Ston’s seashell farmers organize the Oyster festival there. People come to sample oysters prepared in many ways.

In short, private travel tours to Croatia are always fun. There is always something new and exciting to do even for the experienced traveler who may come to find themselves a bit jaded from their other travel experiences over time. We assure you that will not happen to you as you travel throughout Croatia.  

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