We specialize in unique, exclusive, personalized travel planning to Croatia and its surrounding countries. We design individualized journeys, small group tours, deluxe cruises and exceptional excursions, suited to each client based on years of personal experience, ongoing research, relationships, and professional expertise.
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Assistance and Support While In Croatia

While you are in Croatia

Our local Croatian ground team is available to you 24/7 during your trip.

Your local emergency contact in Croatia, will be listed on your travel documents.
This should always be your FIRST call, as they have direct contact with every driver, guide and service…However, your Adventures Croatia team in California, is also available if for some reason your expectations are not being met or you need additional services.

Please reach out to Adventures Croatia (California team) via:

Although we are on pacific time, we will do our best to address your issues in a timely fashion.

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